Now I'm listening to...

Friday, October 26, 2007

Argument to not studying

When you study, you learn.

When you learn, you'll discover that you don't know something.

When you learn more, you'll realise you don't know more things.

So the more you learn, the more ignorant you felt.

And since knowledge is limitless, and no one can possibly learn all knowledge, then why learn so much?

Especially when knowing that you are ignorant bothers you a lot...

Doesn't it increase your frustrations (due to your increasing ignorance) in your learning process?

So why study? Why learn??

No wonder they always say ignorance is bliss...



Anonymous said...

When you live, you grow.

When you grow, you'll discover that you start to age.

When you age more, you'll realise your youthfulness is fast disappearing.

So the more you age, the less young you'll feel.

Especially when knowing that there are so many young JNRs out there fighting with you over those shuai ges...

Doesn't it increase your frustrations(due to your increasing agedness)in your growing process?

So why live? Why grow?
Life is full of pains..

No wonder some say they rather not be born..


Summergal said...

How dare you use my argument against me??!?!??! Copycat!!!

When you use my argument against me, you put yourself against me.

When you put yourself against me, you'll realise that you are not going to live much longer.

The more you put yourself against me, the shorter your lifespan will be.

And since i'm going to hunt you down in school, and no one there is willing to protect you, then why put yourself against me in the first place?

Especially when knowing that putting yourself against me is not going to be pretty.

So why use my argument against me? Why put yourself against me in the first place??

No wonder they always say never ever offend a woman, esp Yiling...

Hah Hah...

Anonymous said...


how interesting u 2 can be..
be tgt la!!!!

meet up soon leh... our exam ending on 9th nov.. fri...

Summergal said...

Ha. ha.
Interesting doesn't mean muz be tgt wat..
U 2 oso very interesting leh... y not u 2 be tgt lar?? Haha...

Yeah~ wanna meet up too~! Or maybe 10 nov??