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Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Wisdom Tooth...

2 months ago.. my gum hurts slightly.. I prayed and hoped fervently that it wasn't a cavity...

And to my relief, i spotted a little white patch emerging from my gums a month later... Phew!! It's my wisdom tooth(s)!!!

But still.. it hurts like hell, and the pain gets even worse recently that the gums are pretty swollen already..

And just a few days ago, i've woken in the middle of the night just because of the painful ache!!! ARgghhh...

Not only that.. i cant eat my favourite foods in peace~ Cos when i bite, the food will press against my gums which is sandwiched between the food and the tooth underneath.. Poor gums~!!!

I really hoped that my new wisdom is worth all the pain~ Hahah...

So i go round asking my friends what their experience is like when they got theirs and how they deal with the pain...

And to my horror...


Oh man~!! And they are all older than me!!! Oh man~ Why like that?!!!

ROarrr.... Ouch!!!


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